Student residences "Collegi"

Borgo Pavia

Pavia’s collegiate system, unique in Italy, consists of 22 Residences, hosting approximately 2000 students.
There are three types of students residences in Pavia:

  • College managed by EDiSU (Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario);
  • Merit-based college;
  • Privatly owned college.

All of them can be defined as ‘Integrated Service Systems’ and considered the ideal solution to meet the requirements of Education Rights at the University level. Besides accommodation service, they offer facilities and tools for teaching, leisure and education purposes by arranging cultural activities that enhance the educational experience of students. Living in a college allows one to belong to a community where academic achievement, traditional events, parties, and sporting rivalries play key roles.

Residences run by EDiSU


Edisu (Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario) is an autonomous institution that provides scholarships and manages most of Pavia’s collegi.

There are 11 Edisu collegi located in Pavia, hosting the majority of students who stay in collegio (about 1500 students):

Edisu also manages 1 collegio located in Cremona:

Please, download this flyer to know more about Edisu’s residences.

Edisu fees

Anyone can access the collegi thanks to a parental-income based fee system and payment by instalments.
Fees are calculated according to income tier and accommodation type. They can vary from a minimum of about 170 euros to a maximum of 340 euros per month.

For Edisu scholarship beneficiaries the accommodation is free of charge. You can find more about Edisu scholarships here.

How to apply to Edisu’s residences

On Edisu’s website you will find all the information about residences and the call for applications.

Applications approximately open at the end of June and close around mid-August.
Applications must be submitted exclusively online on the Edisu’s website, by registering and accessing the “Online Student Services” area.

Merit-based Residences


Studying in a merit-based collegio means having high-level facilities available, designed to support the whole University career, and favoring a rapid and qualified entry into the world of work.
These collegi offer: internal courses, tutoring, international mobility programs, continuous cultural events and also recreational and socializing activities.
In order to be admitted to a merit-based collegio it is necessary to participate in a competition (a written test and two oral tests) which takes place in September.
Then, to maintain the assigned room, each year the students have to respect the high academic performance requirement of an average annual grade not less than 27/30.
The cost of the accommodation is largely supported by the Collegio, since the students are only asked for a contribution proportionate to family income and many rooms are completely free.

There are 5 merit-based collegi in Pavia:

Private Residences
Isola Verde


Collegi associated to the University of Pavia, but privately administered. The admission is managed independently by each collegio: