Access requirements

All applicants must demonstrate knowledge of English language at B2 proficiency level or equivalent.

The accepted certifications are:

  • BEC Vantage
  • B2 First (Cambridge English Qualification)
  • IELTS 5.5-6.5 'Academic'
  • TrackTest English Test B2
  • ILEC Pass
  • TOEFL iBT 72-94
  • Trinity College ISE II, GESE 7, GESE 8, GESE 9
  • 'Oxford Test of English'-Level B2
  • LCCI EfB Level 3

In the absence of certification, knowledge of the language is assessed through the preliminary interview.

Applicants with Italian degree


The required curricular requirements are automatically recognized to those who hold a degree obtained in the following classes:

  • CLASS L25 - Agricultural and forestry sciences and technologies;
  • CLASS L26 - Agro-food sciences and technologies (and in the corresponding classes established according to the previous didactic system ex D.M. 509/99).


In any case, the minimum curricular requirements required include having acquired at least 45 ECTS in 5 different scientific-disciplinary sectors among those listed below:

  • AGR/01 - Economia ed estimo rurale
  • AGR/02 - Agronomia e coltivazioni erbacee
  • AGR/03 - Arboricoltura generale e coltivazioni arboree
  • AGR/04 - Orticoltura e floricoltura
  • AGR/05 - Assestamento forestale e selvicoltura
  • AGR/07 - Genetica agraria
  • AGR/08 - Idraulica agraria e sistemazioni idraulico-forestali
  • AGR/09 - Meccanica agraria
  • AGR/10 - Costruzioni rurali e territorio agroforestale
  • AGR/11 - Entomologia generale e applicata
  • AGR/12 - Patologia Vegetale
  • AGR/13 - Chimica agraria
  • AGR/14 - Pedologia
  • AGR/15 - Scienze e tecnologie alimentari
  • AGR/16 - Microbiologia agraria
  • BIO/01 - Botanica generale
  • BIO/02 - Botanica sistematica
  • BIO/03 - Botanica ambientale e applicata
  • BIO/04 - Fisiologia vegetale
  • BIO/05 - Zoologia
  • BIO/07 - Ecologia
  • BIO/09 - Fisiologia
  • BIO/10 - Biochimica
  • BIO/18 - Genetica
  • BIO/19 - Microbiologia generale
  • CHIM/03 - Chimica generale e inorganica
  • CHIM/06 - Chimica organica
  • CHIM/10 - Chimica degli alimenti
  • GEO/04 - Geografia fisica e geomorfologia
  • GEO/05 - Geologia applicata
  • ICAR/01 - Idraulica
  • ICAR/02 - Costruzioni idrauliche e marittime e idrologia
  • ICAR/03 - Ingegneria sanitaria-ambientale
  • ICAR/06 - Topografia e cartografia


Requirements and adequacy of the preparation are verified by a commission through an interview.

Graduates who do not possess the curricular requirements necessary for admission to the master's degree program can fulfill their gap by attending specific single courses.

Applicants with foreign degree


Candidates must possessed degrees in disciplines related to: Agricultural sciences and technologies or Agri-food Sciences and technologies or equivalent.

The eligibility of the candidates will be evaluated via an oral assessment.

For further details about requirements, please refer to this page here

Do you need any guidance? Please refer to Admission Office - write to or book an appointment here

Mandatory titles

  • [TSS] -

Optional titles (to choose from following)

  • [TS + TSS] -
  • [TSS + L2] -
  • [TSS + L1] -
  • [TSS + DU] -